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Teaching and Learning

Collaboration in Teaching and Learning

For the past three years all teachers have been teaching in a collaborative team environment.  Students have also been learning in collaborative environments and have been getting accustomed to being taught by different teachers.  What does collaborative teaching and learning look like at Parua Bay School?


In terms of teaching it means:

  • Teams of teachers planning their themes, units and lessons together

  • Team teaching in a flexible learning environment for some learning areas

  • Teaching in a traditional classroom environment for some learning areas 

  • Mixed sets of students across Year groups catering for individual needs of the students

  • Using teachers’ specific skills for the benefit of all students

  • Teams of teachers evaluating and reflecting critically on their teaching and planning


In terms of learning it means:

  • Students learning in different environments with a range of different teachers.
  • Students learning to relate to different childen in their groups
  • The Key Competencies (managing self, thinking, relating to others, participating and contributing, Understanding language, symbols and text) being consistently promoted.


These are the collaborative teams and teachers:

Years 0-2 – Team Manu (Carolyn Henwood,  Lynley Turvey & Amanda Cartwright,  Jess Oxborrow, Joe Andersson)


Year 3 & 4 – Team Tane (Helen Smith (Mon-Thurs) & Briar D'arcy-Wright (Fri),  Melissa Thomas, Fran Golding


Years 5 & 6 - Team Moana (Janette Steel, Deanna Uttley, Miriam Burgess)


Years 7 & 8 – Team Tatai Whetu (Kate Fortune, Gail Green, Leon Candy, Jeremy Hamilton)