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Documents & Information - Parua Bay School

Forms of Communication at Parua Bay School.

  1.  Fortnightly Newsletter (sent by email from

  2.  Parua Bay School Facebook Page 

  3.  Parua Bay School Website 

  4.  Digital Reports via the HERO platform (Term 4)

  5.  Student Led Conferences (Term 2/3)

  6.  Home work / Reader Books (Junior School)

  7.  Email / text communication

  8.  Open Door Policy


Fornightly Newsletter:

Families receive an electronic copy of our newsletter by email, fortnightly.   In this newsletter are key dates, information on upcoming special events, an address from the Principal, sports and environmental reports, acknowledgements of students receiving  "Values" certificates in assembly and advertising from local businesses.  


Formal Reports to Parents:

Parents will receive a formal report at the end of the year.   These are digital, provided via the HERO platform at the end of Term 4.    All teachers welcome parents who would like to come into school to discuss their children’s reports.


Student Led Conferences (Late Term 2 or Early Term 3):

Years 0-4:  Parents are invited to a conference involving the teacher and the student.

Years 5-8: Taking the place of traditional Parents’ evenings, Parua Bay School practises student led conferences for students in years 5 - 8.  At these conferences, students lead the conversation by discussing with their teacher and parents what their goals are for numeracy, literacy and work habits.  Students are prepared prior to the conference by their teachers and the aim is for the students to become confident and knowledgeable about their learning and school work.  Students who can take ownership over their learning at school will become more resilient, self managing learners.  


Homework / Reader Books (Junior students)

In Years 0-2 students use Homework / reader books to promote communication between home and school.  Teachers encourage parents to use this book to make comments about their child’s reading and also to communicate with the school.

Relationships & Sexuality Education


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