Parua Bay School is a Level 4b Tikanga & Te Reo Maori immersion school, which means that all students in the school receive up to 3 hours of Tikanga and Te Reo Maori per week. In practice, this means that all students are involved in or receive:
- Education in Te Reo Maori lessons
- Timatanga daily (involving karakia, mihi and waiata)_
- Whole school waiata practice
- Termly powhiri
Some students are involved in:
- Kapa haka
- Marae noho
- Whakatau
- Wananga
A specialist teacher, Whaea Pera, comes into Parua Bay School every Thursday to teach Tikanga and Te Reo Maori. These curriculum plans are shared with the rest of the teachers, who are then expected to follow up the lesson taught by Whaea Pera, with a maintenance lesson.
All teachers completed a level 3 Tikanga & Te Reo course in 2017 called He Papa Tikanga, and this has given the staff a strong foundation knowledge upon which to build and develop their own skills.
Please see the Tikanga and Te Reo booklet in the Documents Header for more details.