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School Stationary for 2018

School Stationary for 2018

Please select the appropriate stationary list to download.

Dec 14, 2017 2551 Views

Documents to download

Term Dates for 2018

Term Dates for 2018

Dec 14, 2017 3320 Views
Term 1 (90 half days)
Wednesday 7th February First Day Term 1
Friday 30th March Good Friday (Public Holiday)
Monday 2nd April Easter Monday (Public Holiday)
Tuesday 3rd April Easter Tuesday (School Holiday)
Friday 13th April Last Day Term 1 
Term 2 (98 half days)
Monday 30th April First Day Term 2
Monday 4th June Queen’s Birthday (Public Holiday)
Friday 6th July Last Day Term 2 
Term 3 (100 half days)
Monday 23rd July First Day Term 3
Friday 28th September Last Day Term 3 
Term 4 (96 half days)
Monday 15th October  First Day Term 4
Monday 22nd October Labour Day (Public Holiday)
Thursday 20th December Last Day Term 4 

Documents to download

Parua Bay School T-Shirts

Parua Bay School T-Shirts

Be kind, return.

Sep 27, 2017 2087 Views

Out of the 180 t-shirts that the school have purchased to use as class sets we now only have 32 on hand ..... can you please have a look in draws and under beds and return any to the office.


A reminder that all students should have purchased their own t-shirt for any out of school activities. These are available from the school office for $15.00 each. These will now be required as we do not have enough for class sets anymore.

Fabulous achievements from Parua Bay School squash team!

Fabulous achievements from Parua Bay School squash team!

Sep 14, 2017 2279 Views

Freddie got individual 3rd place

Maz and Freddie won the Gold in the teams event with Cam and Flynn winning the bronze. A massive achievement for all of them!

Some fabulous personal bests for Ellie, Luca, Jayden and Olivia.

We need to also Thank Keri Rhodes for his great coaching and guidance he has provided all of the team.

What a great squash team!
Go Parua Bay!!!

Aims Games Futsal Update

Aims Games Futsal Update

Sep 13, 2017 2359 Views

We have completed our pool play yesterday, finishing 4th in our pool of 5 against very tough opposition!!

We won our final game yesterday 2-1 in a nail-biting game which aged me and the parents many years.

We now play off for 17th - 20th place. Today we play Pukekohe Int and have our final game tomorrow morning at 8:15am.

The quality and level of teams down here is phenomenal - a real eye opener for our boys from little old Parua Bay - and for their coach!!!

We are having an amazing time - what a cool experience!!! Been watching international futsal in the evenings between NZ and New Caledonia ...very cool.

Check out the photo of (most) of our boys with the mens futsal whites!!