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Lisa Currie
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Fun Run Fundraiser

Dear parents / whanau

In the interests of clear communication and transparency, and so that you are able to make a choice based on the facts, the following information about the School Fun Run has been supplied by the P.T.A. 


"The School Fun Run is 100% self-funding there are no upfront costs , no products to buy and sell and only a small amount of volunteer time is needed.  So just like our other fundraisers where the school receives the profit only.  The cash and online donations is split:

  • 50% to the School subject to ability to claim gst back,
  • 30 % covers all the prize costs to the students,
  • 20% covers the School Fun Run support costs ie printed promotional material , online resources, online prize ordering , online profile pages.
  • Any money raised online is administered by a separate entity Everydayhero (Online fundraising) and they have an additional fee to cover their costs of 5.5% plus credit card charges and GST.


Note: If you want 100% of the money to go to the School, raise cash donations only using the donation booklet. Do not raise an online profile for your child and do not allow them to order any prizes."


Danny Jewell
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