SuperUser Account / Tuesday, 27 February 2018 / Categories: All, Newsletters Newsletter – 27th February 2018 Term 1, Week 4 Kia ora koutou whanau Thankfully the warm, wet, muggy weather that persisted throughout the summer holidays and into the start of this term seems to have disappeared, and has been replaced by more pleasant conditions. We are very lucky to have air conditioning units in all classrooms at school, and this allows our teachers and students the opportunity to learn throughout the day even in the warmest temperatures. You can download and read the full newsletter at the link below. Previous Article Transition to school information morning Next Article Student Led Conferences Print 2007 Rate this article: 2.7 Documents to download Parua Bay Newsletter 27th February 2018_1(.pdf, 1014.55 KB) - 886 download(s)