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Tuesday 24 March - Holiday Dates Brought Forward

Tuesday 24 March - Holiday Dates Brought Forward

Apr 2, 2020 1087 Views

Kia ora Parents and Whanau - the Ministry of Education has brought forward official school 'holiday' dates, beginning Monday 30th March to Tuesday 14th inclusive. Firstly, regardless of holiday dates, the school will remain closed until further notice during the Level 4 Covid-19 lockdown stage. Secondly, teachers will be working remotely, providing resources and responding to students, for the rest of this week and then from Wednesday 15th April onwards. 

FYI the Ministry of Education have launched Learning from home and Ki te Ao Mārama two new websites to support teachers, learners, parents and whānau so that learning for children and young people can continue. The sites include resources across the age ranges. More resources will be added. The information and resources are available at and

Your child's teacher has already prepared and provided multiple resources for you to acces during this home learning period. Please email your child's teacher if you have questions regarding their home learning tasks.

Although the school will be open on Wednesday 25th March (tomorrow) for children of Essential Workers please CONTACT THE SCHOOL TODAY, as an 'essential worker' to confirm your child will be in school on Wednesday. To note, buses will NOT be running.  The school will be completely closed from Thursday onwards for a period of at least 4 weeks. 

As the school prepares to re-open, families will be contacted about specific opening dates. 

Ngā mihi

Mark Ashcroft


Monday 23 March - School Closure

Monday 23 March - School Closure

Apr 2, 2020 1088 Views

Dear Parents and Whanau - I am sure you are  aware of the news that all schools will be closing. We are currently in 'Level 3' status and will be at 'Level 4' by midnight Wednesday. Parua Bay School is now closed for approximately 4 weeks, or until directed otherwise by the Ministry of Health and Ministry of Education. 

The children of emergency services personnel will be able to attend school for Tuesday and Wednesday only, if those parents have not been able to arrange cover for their children. The school will not be open to children of non-emergency service personnel. If you are emergency personnel and you need your child to be in school PLEASE NOTIFY THE SCHOOL OFFICE TODAY

Skids cover will only be available for children of emergency personnel and only for Tuesday and Wednesday before and after school. Please contact Tracy on if you need this service.

For all students, teachers will provide either digital online learning programmes or a combination of online and hard copy learning tasks. The online programmes will be shared with students by their teachers. Hard copy packs are available for Years 1 - 4 students. These packs are available for collection from the school office on Tuesday afternoon this week. Students and families that have responded to the 'device' survey, have had Chromebooks assigned; these will also be available for collection from the school office on Tuesday afternoon.  We hope that you will find the learning resources helpful and establishing routines with your tamariki enjoyable.

As a school whanau, we will keep you updated on relevant developments or information from the Ministry of Education. These are challenging times and we appreciate your support during the school closure.

Ngā mihi mahana,

Mark Ashcroft


Sunday 22 March - Alert Level 2 at Parua Bay School

Sunday 22 March - Alert Level 2 at Parua Bay School

Apr 2, 2020 1086 Views

Dear Parents and Whanau, 

With the announcement that New Zealand has moved to Alert Level 2 – Reduce Contact for COVID-19, people over 70 years of age and those with compromised immunity and certain existing medical conditions are asked to remain at home as much as they can from now on and avoid any non-essential travel. School families and staff are therefore asked to follow this advice if they have these conditions. Please contact the school office so that we know if your child is remaining home because of compromised immunity or existing medical conditions. 

The March 21st announcement by the Prime Minister means some families will need to make different arrangements to care for vulnerable family members. School will not be closed. If your child is well, please continue to send them to school. I am not aware of any cases of COVID-19 in our community, if there was, the school would be contacted by the Ministry of Education and the local Medical Officer of Health. If there were any cases of COVID-19 at school, the school would be closed for a period of time. 

School will be operating as normal on Monday, albeit we will evaluate further changes to school practices in the light of the Level 2 status. The following is an extract from a recent Ministry of Education circular clarifying vulnerable or 'high risk' individuals:

High risk individuals

While the majority of people who are confirmed with COVID-19 will experience mild to moderate symptoms, some individuals are at risk of more severe symptoms.

Older people, particularly those with pre-existing health problems are more likely to get severe illness and are therefore considered at risk. High risk individuals also include people with underlying medical conditions, such as:

    • a compromised immune system
    • liver disease
    • cancer
    • kidney disease
    • heart disease
    • diabetes mellitus

The Ministry of Health has also provided the following advice:

Additional measures that you and your whānau and friends can take include:

    • If you are immune-compromised, avoid staying with a person who is self-isolating (because they are a close contact of a confirmed case of COVID-19 or have recently travelled overseas.)
    • You should stay at least 1 metre away from people who are unwell, if you are immune-compromised.
    • It's also important that everyone helps to protect the safety of immunocompromised people living in our community. For example, if you’re unwell, avoid contact with someone who is immune-compromised.
    • At this time, it wouldn’t make sense for someone who is immune-compromised to wear a mask when in public to decrease risk for catching COVID-19. However, if your health care provider advises you to wear a mask when in public areas because you have a particularly vulnerable immune system, follow that advice. 
    • If you are taking immunosuppressive drugs we advise that you do not stop this medication without first consulting your GP or specialist.

I appreciate this is a time of anxiety and worry for many parents and whanau.  However if we follow the authorized Ministry of Health and Ministry of Education advice, we can reduce the risks to our tamariki at this present time. 

Further health and Covid-19 information is available at:

Ngā mihi,

Mark Ashcroft


POSTPONED - Fun Friday Festival, Friday 3rd April, 4pm - 7pm

POSTPONED - Fun Friday Festival, Friday 3rd April, 4pm - 7pm

Apr 2, 2020 1016 Views
Parua Bay School Newsletter 12th March - Term 1, Week 6

Parua Bay School Newsletter 12th March - Term 1, Week 6

Upcoming Events; Zone Swimming Sports 2020 Results; Transition to School; Photos; Notices/Adverts

Apr 2, 2020 1172 Views

Documents to download